Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Animation update 4? (I think)

I have the background done for now unless I need to put more brick to make it a bit longer. :3

Monday, April 22, 2013


Instead of a quote for this one here are two videos that are the most beautiful things I've ever seen and one of the reasons why I would live to live up north.

Stop motion update 3

I finished the hands!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Stop motion update2

Here are all the cut outs of the person walking. Sorry bout my messy desk in the back ground. Lol

Stop motion update

So I have a little over half of the walking motion cut out here are all of the ones I have dine standing.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Here is my video from class. Sorry it's sideways I didn't know it would do that when I was shooting it. Hope ya's enjoy.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Quote/article 5 (I think)

This guy is CRAZY!!!!! Props to him for being able to do this and hang on while they are taking the photo,but really dude? When i first say these. Thought they may gave been green screened, but they arnt!!! Talk about laughing in deaths face. Anybody who does anything this crazy gets a big fat 10 in my book!!! And the photos come out great too!!!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Finished the trippy tree thing!!!!!!

I feel like an idiot kuz I forgot to post this last Monday. *facepalm* but me and bre finished the huge triangle thingy. Here are the last few pics of it. Oh and we also counted up the approximate number of origami triangles that we folded, aprox. (Drum roll please) 1,122 triangles!!!!!!! That's pretty impressive if you ask me. All I know is Monday by the time class was over our fingers were hurting from folding the last like 300 black ones. Specially bre. She is a trouper and folded a majority of them while I put them together and glued them down. Burnt my self in the process at least once, but welcome to art school. Right? Lol but I hope you guys like the finished product tell me what you think.

P.S. we won't be showing it in the critique because its gunna be in the show. So go see it there when they put it up and enjoy the pics of the final result and me and bre being goofy while making it. ^^

'nother quote

I have two. They don't really pertain to art but they are the from the Dali lama and he is kinda an awesome guy/philosopher/mentor/a bunch of other awesome-sauce things. But here they are:

Education is the way of achieving far-reaching results, it is the proper way to promote compassion and tolerance in society.
-Dali lama

Peace in the world relies on individuals finding their own inner peace
-Dali lama

The man is right in both matters. Specially the second one. He is defiantly right in the seance that if people would find an in Eric peace within themselves and did not hate as much there would be a LOT less violence in the world, this creating something to the equivalent of world peace. I know it sounds corny and i sound like a hippy, and blah blah blah, but the man knows what he is saying.

Think about it.

Teracycle/container project.

I'm a bit further than this on it right now. I'm just catching upon this while I am taking a few minute break. But I'm thinking about spray painting the inside of the big clear wobbly jar. I'm kind of upset because I ordered those little fiber optic wands (see pic below) and I wanted to poke holes around the jar and poke them out a little so it would resemble the self illuminating jellyfish a little more. But they sadly did not come in the mail yet. (Watch I'm going to get the email that I received that package during the critique tomorrow) but I'm sad that fell through. I'm mad to because someone snatched my last piece of foam board. Now I gotta wait till morning to go get a new piece. Ugh, getting a headache from all the things going wrong.... ~.~ Hope I do finish. Wish me luck guys. ^^;

Monday, March 11, 2013

A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament.

I chose this quote because I 100% absolutly agre with him. Art us deffinatly as unique as the artists who make them. Every artist might have inspiration from some thing/one else but every artest has a uniqueness to themselves that is their own. 

Big 3D project

So for the 3D container building thing, I was thinking something with bioluminescent jelly fish and graffiti. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do yet, but here are some of the inspiration pictures so far

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Fun with work

Sorry I haven't updated anything in FOREVER, but between now and spring break I should be able to catch up with everything.

Anywayz here are a few pics of me and breast time we worked on our project. And some of the triangle chained we put together. The one I was holding up while I was sitting was around 2/3 of my arm spanned. And a persons arm spanned is approx. how tall they are. And I'm 5 foot 8 so you guys can figure out that math. Lol

Monday, February 11, 2013

Instructions how to make triangle pieces

Hey guys this is how you make the triangle pieces bre and I are using to make the tree body. Ill out up instructions how to put them all together later.

1. Fold the "hotdog" style
2. Fold them in half again in the middle
3. Fold the side flaps down along the center crease so it looks like triangleish
4. Open the middle crease
5. Fold outer corners of the extra tabbies inwards
6. Fold he tabbies in
7. Refold the middle crease again so it is in e shape of a triangle

This may take a few times to get right but keep trying. Hope the instructions and the pics helped!!


Sunday, February 10, 2013


This is a little tag thing I did in my notebook I did a little while ago. Well actually it's my tag. Well one of them. Not that I go out and graffiti things, but if I did this is what my tag would be. The first one is the cut out with the next page spray painted black. The second picture is the stencil sprayed to the colors they should be.


Project 1

I know I haven't put anything on this yet, I've never used a blog before so I'm not super exited about this. But me and bre are working on this so far and I have most of the stuff. This is what I have done so far. We finished most of the back plate and the tree rings part. Now we just have to finish folding the index cards and put them all together to make the tree. Wish us luck!!

P.S. the dear head pic is kinda what the tree part is gunna kinda be like. Just a tree not a dear.
