Sunday, March 24, 2013

'nother quote

I have two. They don't really pertain to art but they are the from the Dali lama and he is kinda an awesome guy/philosopher/mentor/a bunch of other awesome-sauce things. But here they are:

Education is the way of achieving far-reaching results, it is the proper way to promote compassion and tolerance in society.
-Dali lama

Peace in the world relies on individuals finding their own inner peace
-Dali lama

The man is right in both matters. Specially the second one. He is defiantly right in the seance that if people would find an in Eric peace within themselves and did not hate as much there would be a LOT less violence in the world, this creating something to the equivalent of world peace. I know it sounds corny and i sound like a hippy, and blah blah blah, but the man knows what he is saying.

Think about it.

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